Spanish bull fan - Fridge Magnet

Spanish bull fan - Fridge Magnet

Ref: 508568229
2'12Plazo de salida


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At last, something really decorative and funny as these magnets for fridge, with original designs and flamencos patterns or with the word Spain, fighting bull and fans.
Flamenco-spain offers you small magnets for fridge very useful to stick on the fridge the notes of things to remind or important appointments to attend.
In a simple way, it will give a very flamenco look to your fridge.

Measurements: 6.5 cm X 3.5 cm.


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At last, something really decorative and funny as these magnets for fridge, with original designs and flamencos patterns or with the word Spain, fighting bull and fans.
Flamenco-spain offers you small magnets for fridge very useful to stick on the fridge the notes of things to remind or important appointments to attend.
In a simple way, it will give a very flamenco look to your fridge.

Measurements: 6.5 cm X 3.5 cm.


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