Monumental Square of Las Ventas Poster - Ref.194M

Monumental Square of Las Ventas Poster - Ref.194M

Ref: 504910194M
12'22Plazo de salida


The price in $ is an indicator, as the exchange rates are changing constantly.

Bullfight's reproduction, it is a perfect poster for decoration.
Measurements: 97cm x 53xm.
              38.2in x 20.9in.

Bullfighters names: Curro Romero, Finito de Córdoba, Enrique Ponce.

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Bullfight's reproduction, it is a perfect poster for decoration.
Measurements: 97cm x 53xm.
              38.2in x 20.9in.

Bullfighters names: Curro Romero, Finito de Córdoba, Enrique Ponce.

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