Practical leather handbag to wear at romerías. Die-cut flap with white leather underneath and white-threaded backstitch.
Fantastic handbag that can be fastened to belt or worn on shoulder. Choose the most comfortable way to wear it.
Due to its nature, leather can have imperfections. Therefore, the shade of the color can slightly vary. Please, take also into account that your computer monitor can make the color vary.
Measures: 20cm wide X 12cm tall.
Practical leather handbag to wear at romerías. Die-cut flap with white leather underneath and white-threaded backstitch.
Fantastic handbag that can be fastened to belt or worn on shoulder. Choose the most comfortable way to wear it.
Due to its nature, leather can have imperfections. Therefore, the shade of the color can slightly vary. Please, take also into account that your computer monitor can make the color vary.
Measures: 20cm wide X 12cm tall.