Pink And White Polka Dots Case for Castanets

Pink And White Polka Dots Case for Castanets

Ref: 504920024
0'00Plazo de salida


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We have the ideal case for your castanets.
A wide range of castanets' cases, they are very original, all of them with polka dots, with a very flamenco-like style.
All our items proceed directly from Spain.
Ideal to maintain your castanets impeccable.

Measurements: 11 cm wide x 11 cm large

This product does not include the castanets.

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We have the ideal case for your castanets.
A wide range of castanets' cases, they are very original, all of them with polka dots, with a very flamenco-like style.
All our items proceed directly from Spain.
Ideal to maintain your castanets impeccable.

Measurements: 11 cm wide x 11 cm large

This product does not include the castanets.

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