Jóvenes Maestros del Arte Flamenco - Rafael Campallo. DVD
Ref: 50506T14C350
36'20 €
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The farruca, soleá por bulerías, taranto and alegrías are the tracks of this record in which the young bailaor (flamenco dancer) Rafael Campallo is accompanied by some members of his family, who sing and as well as playing the guitar. This record can help listeners to get to know the Sevillian master from a more metric, more precise perspective, allowing us to get closer to his musical understanding.
The farruca, soleá por bulerías, taranto and alegrías are the tracks of this record in which the young bailaor (flamenco dancer) Rafael Campallo is accompanied by some members of his family, who sing and as well as playing the guitar. This record can help listeners to get to know the Sevillian master from a more metric, more precise perspective, allowing us to get closer to his musical understanding.