Mug Atypical Spanish in black

Mug Atypical Spanish in black

Ref: 50543TZ2202
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If you are a passionate person and want to add stylishness and colour at home or at the office, these Flamenco-Spain mugs are ideal.

When you need a break at work, you will escape with this personal mug, drinking your tea or coffee and remembering spanish flavours.

You can also use them for pencils and pens, paintbrushes, make-up brushes or utensils.

This ceramics mug is a nice gift for a beloved and/or estimated person.

Measurements: 9 cm high X 8 cm diameter

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If you are a passionate person and want to add stylishness and colour at home or at the office, these Flamenco-Spain mugs are ideal.

When you need a break at work, you will escape with this personal mug, drinking your tea or coffee and remembering spanish flavours.

You can also use them for pencils and pens, paintbrushes, make-up brushes or utensils.

This ceramics mug is a nice gift for a beloved and/or estimated person.

Measurements: 9 cm high X 8 cm diameter

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