Mini Tray - Sevillana and Dancer

Mini Tray - Sevillana and Dancer

Ref: 500601515112
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We have a lot of suggestions for original gifts. Make real your friends dream. This mini tray is perfect to carry Iberian products like ham, chorizo or lomo.
You can also offer a bottle of Spanish wine for example.
You can use our products in microwaves, dishwasher and conventional oven.

Measurements: 3cm X 9cm X 12cm.



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We have a lot of suggestions for original gifts. Make real your friends dream. This mini tray is perfect to carry Iberian products like ham, chorizo or lomo.
You can also offer a bottle of Spanish wine for example.
You can use our products in microwaves, dishwasher and conventional oven.

Measurements: 3cm X 9cm X 12cm.



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