Black flamenca mannequin. Nackelaces holder. 26cm

Black flamenca mannequin. Nackelaces holder. 26cm

Ref: 5057920510
15'85Plazo de salida


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You are looking for an idea to tidy your necklaces and bracelets? Now you have a craftwork mannequin made of resin.

It is a perfect necklaces holder to tidy all your jewels. This flamenco mannequin is very practical and has a very typical Spanish design. This flamenco mannequin is very useful and decorative.

Measures: 26cm.


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You are looking for an idea to tidy your necklaces and bracelets? Now you have a craftwork mannequin made of resin.

It is a perfect necklaces holder to tidy all your jewels. This flamenco mannequin is very practical and has a very typical Spanish design. This flamenco mannequin is very useful and decorative.

Measures: 26cm.


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