Cow sitting down wearing a Spain apron

Cow sitting down wearing a Spain apron

Ref: 500571329
0'00Plazo de salida


The price in $ is an indicator, as the exchange rates are changing constantly.

Friendly small fluffy cow, very soft to the touch.

The cow is dressed with a polka dots apron with España written on it.

If you want to give a very Spanish gift, give this cow.

The apron can be of several colours: red, yellow, turquoise, fuchsia, green.

The price showed is for one cuddly toy.

Measures: 18cm.

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Friendly small fluffy cow, very soft to the touch.

The cow is dressed with a polka dots apron with España written on it.

If you want to give a very Spanish gift, give this cow.

The apron can be of several colours: red, yellow, turquoise, fuchsia, green.

The price showed is for one cuddly toy.

Measures: 18cm.

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