Cune - Rioja

Cune - Rioja

Ref: 50850012
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The reserve of Cune it is elaborated by the fifth generation of the founders of Cune. The pick up of Tempranillo was made manually. A raising of at least 12 months in barrel with a maturation in bottle before its exit to the market.
Manual harvesting of the grapes, that once stripped happen to stainless steel tanks where the alcoholic fermentation to temperature controlled between 28ºC and 30ºC takes place during 12 to 15 days. After the second fermentation that smooths and clears the wine, one comes to a polished raising from at least two years in barrel from American and French oak by turns in every 6 months; finally the wine remains in bottle during a minimum of a year.
Data harvest
Smooth winter and precocious spring reason why the vegetative cycle came slightly advanced. In the first days of September they lowered the temperatures and the maturation slowed down. Towards the 10 of October an unexpected return arrived from the summer and the high temperatures as much caused a good development of our vineyards in absence of plagues and diseases and an optimal maturation of the grape in sugar concentration as in the total synthesis of polifenoles. Total precipitation 474 lts during the agricultural campaign and 1,875 hours of light.
Type of wine: Red
Classification: Reserve
Harvests: 2001
Qualification of the year: Excellent Degree alcoholico:13%
Varieties of used grape: 80% Tempranillo, 10% Mazuelo, 5% Grenache and 5%Graciano
Capacity of bottle: Bordelesa, 75 CL (bottle)(Bordelesa)
The tasting references of the wine
Intense color, of good appearance, place setting. In the smell are variety memories of tempranillo and certain shades of blackbarry interesting complex and bouquet, toasted. Silky and with a long flavour in mouth.
The Oenologist's advice.
After traveling, the wine needs to rest like minimum 48 hours, before arriving at the table. To conserve the wine bottles in a fresh place between 14ºC and 18ºC, fallen down and without abrupt changes of temperature. Taste the wines to a temperature between 16º and 18ºC, praising/pouring off them if necessary.

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The reserve of Cune it is elaborated by the fifth generation of the founders of Cune. The pick up of Tempranillo was made manually. A raising of at least 12 months in barrel with a maturation in bottle before its exit to the market.
Manual harvesting of the grapes, that once stripped happen to stainless steel tanks where the alcoholic fermentation to temperature controlled between 28ºC and 30ºC takes place during 12 to 15 days. After the second fermentation that smooths and clears the wine, one comes to a polished raising from at least two years in barrel from American and French oak by turns in every 6 months; finally the wine remains in bottle during a minimum of a year.
Data harvest
Smooth winter and precocious spring reason why the vegetative cycle came slightly advanced. In the first days of September they lowered the temperatures and the maturation slowed down. Towards the 10 of October an unexpected return arrived from the summer and the high temperatures as much caused a good development of our vineyards in absence of plagues and diseases and an optimal maturation of the grape in sugar concentration as in the total synthesis of polifenoles. Total precipitation 474 lts during the agricultural campaign and 1,875 hours of light.
Type of wine: Red
Classification: Reserve
Harvests: 2001
Qualification of the year: Excellent Degree alcoholico:13%
Varieties of used grape: 80% Tempranillo, 10% Mazuelo, 5% Grenache and 5%Graciano
Capacity of bottle: Bordelesa, 75 CL (bottle)(Bordelesa)
The tasting references of the wine
Intense color, of good appearance, place setting. In the smell are variety memories of tempranillo and certain shades of blackbarry interesting complex and bouquet, toasted. Silky and with a long flavour in mouth.
The Oenologist's advice.
After traveling, the wine needs to rest like minimum 48 hours, before arriving at the table. To conserve the wine bottles in a fresh place between 14ºC and 18ºC, fallen down and without abrupt changes of temperature. Taste the wines to a temperature between 16º and 18ºC, praising/pouring off them if necessary.

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