Didactic Manual for Flamenco Guitar Nº2. Manuel Granados

Didactic Manual for Flamenco Guitar Nº2. Manuel Granados

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Didactic Manual for Flamenco Guitar Nº2 by Manuel Granados. CD included.

Numbers and Music

Titles: Soleá – Fandango – Seguiriyas – Taranta – Alegrías – Granaína – Tientos – Malagueña – Tangos – Rondeña – Bulerías.

Level: Elementary

Language: Spanish/English

Format: 23 X 30 cm.

Nowadays, there are several alternatives for the teaching of flamenco guitar. One of them is the traditional system of oral transmission with the exclusive perception by the learner of the things explained and played by the teacher in that place and in that moment. The only possible register is the hurried retention in the memory of the person who learns what is considered as convenient by the teacher and his only didactic techniques the ones that his common sense give him in each moment. Other teaching alternative joins the necessary explicative words and touches of the teacher, the essential method and the didactic techniques of the nowadays musical pedagogy. This allows all the knowledge to get structured and be registered methodically in written form and with musical recording. Still nowadays there are many sceptics and detractors about the teaching of the flamenco guitar by means of this second alternative. They defend the exclusive use of the pedagogic and musical knowledge of this teaching, they want involuntarily to keep a complicated generational transmission of the touch in most of the cases.

The Didactic Manual of the Flamenco Guitar expects to help the disciple to understand the essence and theme of flamenco.

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Didactic Manual for Flamenco Guitar Nº2 by Manuel Granados. CD included.

Numbers and Music

Titles: Soleá – Fandango – Seguiriyas – Taranta – Alegrías – Granaína – Tientos – Malagueña – Tangos – Rondeña – Bulerías.

Level: Elementary

Language: Spanish/English

Format: 23 X 30 cm.

Nowadays, there are several alternatives for the teaching of flamenco guitar. One of them is the traditional system of oral transmission with the exclusive perception by the learner of the things explained and played by the teacher in that place and in that moment. The only possible register is the hurried retention in the memory of the person who learns what is considered as convenient by the teacher and his only didactic techniques the ones that his common sense give him in each moment. Other teaching alternative joins the necessary explicative words and touches of the teacher, the essential method and the didactic techniques of the nowadays musical pedagogy. This allows all the knowledge to get structured and be registered methodically in written form and with musical recording. Still nowadays there are many sceptics and detractors about the teaching of the flamenco guitar by means of this second alternative. They defend the exclusive use of the pedagogic and musical knowledge of this teaching, they want involuntarily to keep a complicated generational transmission of the touch in most of the cases.

The Didactic Manual of the Flamenco Guitar expects to help the disciple to understand the essence and theme of flamenco.

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