Enamelled Knot Cufflinks with Spanish Flag

Enamelled Knot Cufflinks with Spanish Flag

Ref: 50023NUDO
20'99Plazo de salida


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If you like to offer stylish gifts, these cufflinks with an enamelled knot representing the Spanish flag are a great idea. These cufflinks are a classic accessory, perfect for fashionable men who like to bring a touch of distinction to their suits. High quality product made of rhodium.

Dimensions: 1.5 cm

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If you like to offer stylish gifts, these cufflinks with an enamelled knot representing the Spanish flag are a great idea. These cufflinks are a classic accessory, perfect for fashionable men who like to bring a touch of distinction to their suits. High quality product made of rhodium.

Dimensions: 1.5 cm

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