Flag's Garland of Countries of the World

Flag's Garland of Countries of the World

Ref: 501400008
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Flag's Garland of Countries of the World.
Made of plastic.
Measurements of each piece of flag: 20 x 30 cm.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor events.
There is a 55 cm distance that separates the flags.
Sold in 50 meters' pack (14 flags on each 10 meters).
Ideal for decoration, social and sports' events, administrative and commercial centres, hotels, etc.

We do not admit any exchange of this item.

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Flag's Garland of Countries of the World.
Made of plastic.
Measurements of each piece of flag: 20 x 30 cm.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor events.
There is a 55 cm distance that separates the flags.
Sold in 50 meters' pack (14 flags on each 10 meters).
Ideal for decoration, social and sports' events, administrative and commercial centres, hotels, etc.

We do not admit any exchange of this item.

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