Flamenca Rose in Red Medium size. Model Venecia. 11cm

Flamenca Rose in Red Medium size. Model Venecia. 11cm

Ref: 5034358255
7'65Plazo de salida


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When the Feria or Rocio season comes, some women do not like to use a whole Spanish costume. However, they use a flower to decorate the hair. It does not have to be too big, a medium size is also fine. Flamenca flowers are always the best accessory to complement a Spanish look.
Measurements: 11 cm. 
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When the Feria or Rocio season comes, some women do not like to use a whole Spanish costume. However, they use a flower to decorate the hair. It does not have to be too big, a medium size is also fine. Flamenca flowers are always the best accessory to complement a Spanish look.
Measurements: 11 cm. 
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