Handbag hanger Osborne Bull figure

Handbag hanger Osborne Bull figure

Ref: 5005819568
7'30Plazo de salida


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Do you want to give a nice gift? This handbag hanger is an original detail. It is the Osborne Bull figure. The Osborne bull is the typical image of Spain. It is a small hanger to hang on the bar or on the table of a restaurant and you'll solve the problem of where hanging your handbag. Bull's measurements: 5cm x 5cm.

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Do you want to give a nice gift? This handbag hanger is an original detail. It is the Osborne Bull figure. The Osborne bull is the typical image of Spain. It is a small hanger to hang on the bar or on the table of a restaurant and you'll solve the problem of where hanging your handbag. Bull's measurements: 5cm x 5cm.

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