Juanita Reina - 1942-1949 - Vol 1.

Juanita Reina - 1942-1949 - Vol 1.

Ref: 50535AD546
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Shipment period 3 working days
This cd collects 22 songs in which Juanita Reina sings between 1942 - 1949.
Juanita Reina was like a Montserrat Caballé of the copla. She started as Juanita and died as Doña Juana, on the supreme throne of the great stars of the Andalusian song. Juanita Reina was the one who sang with more feeling. Juanita Reina, Juana Reina, Doña Juana Reina are three stages in her personal way of interpreting the cuplés, with a trembling voice, majestic in her walks on stage.
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This cd collects 22 songs in which Juanita Reina sings between 1942 - 1949.
Juanita Reina was like a Montserrat Caballé of the copla. She started as Juanita and died as Doña Juana, on the supreme throne of the great stars of the Andalusian song. Juanita Reina was the one who sang with more feeling. Juanita Reina, Juana Reina, Doña Juana Reina are three stages in her personal way of interpreting the cuplés, with a trembling voice, majestic in her walks on stage.
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