Multicoloured garlands. 3.2m

Multicoloured garlands. 3.2m

Ref: 5013400427
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Si quieres decorar tu casa o tu jardir como si estuvieras en una verbena de esas que tanto disfrutamos y nos divertían, tenemos el ingrediente principal. Esta guirnalda de muchos colores de 3.2 m de largo.
Es una forma divertida para decorar el techo, ambiéntandolo muy de fiesta. Sus formas festivas y sus tonos alegres decoran con ligereza y color, y como pesan tan poco, son muy fáciles de manejar. 
Medidas: 3.2 M de largo.
Consta de 12 unidades.
Al ser guirnaldas de papel, no son aptos para la intemperie. 

If you want to decorate your house or your garden as if you were in a festival, that you enjoy so much, we have the principal ingredient.

This garland is of many colours and of 3.2 m of length.

It is a entertained form to decorate the ceiling and decorate it like if you were in a party.

Its festive forms and its happy tones decorate with lightness and colour, and like they weigh so little, are very easy to handle.


Measurements: 3.2m lengh

12 units


These garlands are made of paper, they are not suitable for the outdoors.


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Si quieres decorar tu casa o tu jardir como si estuvieras en una verbena de esas que tanto disfrutamos y nos divertían, tenemos el ingrediente principal. Esta guirnalda de muchos colores de 3.2 m de largo.
Es una forma divertida para decorar el techo, ambiéntandolo muy de fiesta. Sus formas festivas y sus tonos alegres decoran con ligereza y color, y como pesan tan poco, son muy fáciles de manejar. 
Medidas: 3.2 M de largo.
Consta de 12 unidades.
Al ser guirnaldas de papel, no son aptos para la intemperie. 

If you want to decorate your house or your garden as if you were in a festival, that you enjoy so much, we have the principal ingredient.

This garland is of many colours and of 3.2 m of length.

It is a entertained form to decorate the ceiling and decorate it like if you were in a party.

Its festive forms and its happy tones decorate with lightness and colour, and like they weigh so little, are very easy to handle.


Measurements: 3.2m lengh

12 units


These garlands are made of paper, they are not suitable for the outdoors.


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