Sangria Don Simon - Bottle

Sangria Don Simon - Bottle

Ref: 50663CI001
4'84Plazo de salida


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Sangria is a typical Spanish drink, made with red wine and fruit.
The high quality of fruit to elaborate juices and many years of experience pruducing wine DON SIMON offers SANGRIA as an excellent-quality product. Sangria Don Simon is the best and the most bought sangria brand in Spain (covering 50% of Spanish market)and the preferred one on many overseas markets, too.
To serve an original and spectacular sangria, fresh fruit cut in pieces is needed andm a lot of ice. The best is to prepare sangria one hour before, so that is can macerate well. After, just in the moment of serving we recommend you to add the ice cubes.

Bottle of 1.5 litres

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Sangria is a typical Spanish drink, made with red wine and fruit.
The high quality of fruit to elaborate juices and many years of experience pruducing wine DON SIMON offers SANGRIA as an excellent-quality product. Sangria Don Simon is the best and the most bought sangria brand in Spain (covering 50% of Spanish market)and the preferred one on many overseas markets, too.
To serve an original and spectacular sangria, fresh fruit cut in pieces is needed andm a lot of ice. The best is to prepare sangria one hour before, so that is can macerate well. After, just in the moment of serving we recommend you to add the ice cubes.

Bottle of 1.5 litres

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